The Influence of UG Krishnamurti on Yoga

The Influence of UG Krishnamurti on Yoga

There was no denying UG Krishnamurti was an ususual and extremely attractive person, in the way that a cat is attractive. He was a natural man.

Because I was a student of Desikachar and Krishnamacharya, a student of yoga, I had to relate what UG Krishnamamurit was saying to yoga.

He made it easy, he spoke about it a lot and he sat on the ground with myself and with Melissa Forbes and showed us what natural movement looked like without any struggle, without any seeking.

It became clear that should any yoga arise, it is completely natural. It is what the body does naturally when it has been traumatised.

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What Kind of Yogi Am I? Jnana, Bhakti, Hatha, Karma and Kriya Explained

What Kind of Yogi Am I? Jnana, Bhakti, Hatha, Karma and Kriya Explained

Jnana, Bhakti, Hatha, Karma, Kriya, Sidhha Yoga are one. Our teacher Krishnamacharya described all the different yoga categories as belonging together as an integrated holistic approach to be adapted to the needs of each individual. He insisted that it was a wrong approach of Western thinking to split them apart as if they could be isolated from each other...

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A Soft Message for a Hard Time

A Soft Message for a Hard Time

I recently saw a YouTube video in which the actor Jim Carrey gets really excited about having discovered Eckhart Tolle. It seems that in reading and listening to Tolle, Carrey also had a sudden “wake-up” moment, as Tolle had. He realized that he is consciousness itself, the one who is aware of every “thing,” even of his worries in all their profound insignificance...

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Why Yoga Is neither Physical nor Spiritual Gymnastics

My teacher Mark Whitwell is fond of saying that "Yoga is neither physical nor spiritual gymnastics", and is very passionate about explaining the reasons why this is so. Focusing especially on the popular American brands of (Hatha) Yoga, Mark expounds the principles of practice and methodology of teaching that make Yoga what it really is: A devotional personalized practice and spiritual discipline of pleasure. (...)

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